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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Demand for H1-B visa continues to rise

Hi Everyone,
I've been somewhat busy and not attending to this blog message as our "jobless recovery" unfolds. As we all know, the concept of a jobless recovery is based on the idea that employers will not initiate any hiring until the current employed work force reaches a point where they are either burnt out and quit or have been pushed to their peak productive ability. Unfortunately, the greed factor is the true master of both the employer and the employee here in America.

Today's discussion is focused on this given blog's title. I found this title on "The Economic Times" India website at " ". The following comments from that website caught my interest and maybe, you too, will roll your eyes. The comments go as follows:
Latest figures released by the US Citizenship
and Immigration Services (USCIS) show an increase in the number of people applying for H-1B visas in the last two months.

As a result of which, till November 27, the USCIS had received about 58,900 H-1B petitions. This is still over 6,000 short of the Congressionally-mandated cap of 65,000 H-1B visas
in the general category.


Now I would like to suggest that as our economy "recovers", who will get the good jobs .... Americans or ..... Outsourced resources? My suspicion is that GREED will push employers to hire those unfilled 6000 H1-B resources before Americans. As I have stated before in this blog, I believe that corporate America should have income incentives that would encourage the hiring and training of Americans rather than the past focus on cheap outsourced resources. In that regard, I invite your feedback on the following statements of belief:

1. I believe that President Obama's promise to tax American companies that hire outsouced resourses will take a big bite out of the outsourced hiring addiction.

2. I believe that President Obama's promise to give tax breaks for American companies that hire Americans will have a dramatic effect on American employment as the Great Recession continues to end.

3. I believe that the so called *"Stimulus money" to bail out dysfunctional banks and financial institutions should, in fact, be made available to help train countless young Americans that have been pushed out of the job market for lack of skill or training.

* More on where stimulus money goes, refer to URL "")

Feedback appreciated on your point of view on these topics discussed here.
That's it for now. Take care

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