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Friday, December 11, 2009

Nationwide H-1B Visa Scam

Well folks,
Here we go again with Corporate America's underbelly being exposed for it's addiction to greed and it's integral disregard for Americans seeking a job that provides a reasonable paycheck.

Today's post was inspired by a website on that grabbed my attention as I reviewed web subjects that support my belief that corporate greed has eroded integrity and moral responsibility to provide Americans /with rewarding American jobs/training careers in this challenging economic time.

Perhaps, you too, would be attracted to a title that states "

Feds Bust Nationwide H-1B Visa Scam". Now doesn't that just make you want to have another cup of strong coffee and check that out? Or how about the statement from today's referenced website at "" that states a rather interesting bit of news as follows:

Vision Systems and five other companies under investigation have said their H-1B workers have been brought to the United States to fill existing IT vacancies. Whitaker claims the companies have not always had jobs available for these workers, placing them in nonpay status after they arrive in the United States.
In some cases, according to the charges, the H-1B workers have been placed in jobs and locations not previously certified by the Department of Labor, replacing qualified American workers and violating prevailing wage laws. The companies and foreign workers have allegedly submitted false statements and documents in support of their visa petitions.

According to this website, the "Federal Authorities" seek $7.4 million in forfeitures, however, now I wonder WHAT did the feds do with the $7.4 million in forfeitures? Are "Federal Authorities" using that money to fund new support for American worker's equal opportunity to find work opportunities? Or ... is the only game in town to curb H1B abuse is more like a *"keystone Kop" episode where nothing really ever gets done to stop the H1B crooks from ripping off American worker jobs? Check this site out and share your comments with me and the rest of the world. Big question is... "what should be done to to effectively give American workers a decent shot at a decent job opportunity? That's it for now. Take care.



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