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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Make It in America"

Hello to all my passionate followers!

I know you have been sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for more of my unconfined worldly wisdom as I share more information about the outsourcing menace affecting the security and availability of acceptable American jobs. I have been sitting on the sidelines for several months wondering if anyone really cares that corporate America has put profit before integrity when American jobs are at risk. Regarding that question, I only know that I care .... and that's what counts first! So today I begin a new process of sharing my observations with anyone else out there that cares about American jobs and our future as a healthy country.

Today I want to call attention to the new Democratic movement labeled "Make It in America" in today's article dated Tuesday, August 3, 2010, 11:21. In that article my attention is drawn to the bold label: "New Democratic strategy for creating jobs focuses on a boost in manufacturing" . This message talks about the Obama administration's focus on a long term strategy that is captured in this quote: ""We know manufacturing produces good jobs, high-paying jobs," House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer(D-Md.) said Monday as Democrats released a report showcasing small gains in manufacturing since Obama took office. "We have committed ourselves to a long-term agenda aimed at enhancing the manufacturing capabilities in America.". Once again, certain Republican forces are doing their best to prevent the Obama administration from achieving something economically meaningful for this country and the strength of our people. It is very clear to this writer that when the original hate radio host Rush Limbaugh declared, “I hope he fails.” statement regarding Obama's election, our country was heading for a battle between ignorance/fear pitted against intelligence/progress. For those that want to read more on this new Democratic movement, refer to website address:

As always, drop me a line regarding your thoughts be they positive or critical ! Regards ....

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